Download Nautilus Lifeline Driver

Dell Nautilus Firmware Update Utility for SAS and SATA disk and solid state drives Restart required This is a general maintenance release for SAS and SATA drives. Nautilus is an open source file manager application that allows users to access their file system under any Linux-based operating system. It is mostly used on the GNOME desktop environment and lets you to do basic file operations (copy, paste, remove, rename or move). Having an issue with your display, audio, or touchpad? Whether you're working on an Alienware, Inspiron, Latitude, or other Dell product, driver updates keep your device running at top performance. Step 1: Identify your product above. Step 2: Run the detect drivers scan to see available updates. Step 3: Choose which driver updates to install.

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Discussion in 'Nautilus Lifeline' started by The_Aviator_1, Jun 16, 2014.

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