Drivers Iridium

The original Iridium USB drivers for the 9555/9575 handsets were not compatible with Windows-10, resulting in a “blue screen” Windows crash whenever the USB port was opened. It took a long time for updated drivers to become available, in the meantime we created a work-around (details below) which is no longer needed.

A CD that came with a recently-purchased phone will have the correct drivers, or you can download them from Iridium at this website:

KULT IRIDIUM THE G-LAB DRIVERS 1. If you don't have Advanced Uninstaller PRO on your system, install it. This is a good step because Advanced. Run Advanced Uninstaller PRO. It's recommended to take your time to get familiar with Advanced Uninstaller PRO's. Click on the General Tools.

  1. The Iridium Handset USB Driver Installer provides Windows 7 and 10 drivers (both 32-bit and 64-bit) for use when connecting your Iridium handset to a computer via the USB port. This is a standalone utility that allows you to load the drivers on your Windows computer independent of other activities.
  2. Apr 21, 2020 Right click on the device and select “Properties” to view driver information, select “Driver” tab at the top of the new window; you should be able to view the Driver Provider and Driver Version. FTDI is the driver provider for the optical to USB cable (IR189USB).

There are two downloads on that site, the “Iridium 9555 – USB and Modem Drivers” download is a zip file containing the driver files themselves which can be used with Device Manager’s “update drivers” function. (Save the download file, open WIndows Device Manager from the Windows search box, find the Iridium handset under “Ports”, right-click and select “Update Drivers” then browse to wherever you saved the driver files).

There is also a “Iridium Handsets – USB Driver Installer” download on that Iridium page, which is a driver-installer program which can be run to install the drivers. Download that file, then run (open) that file with the handset disconnected from the computer to install (or re-install) drivers.

Alternately you can download the driver-installer from our website here: Handset USB Driver Installer 6.3.9600.9520.exe Again, be sure the handset is disconnected from the computer.

If you want to read the Iridium release notes click here: v1.3 – Iridium Handset USB Driver Installer – 6.3.9600.9520.pdf

An important note: We have received reports that Windows-10 update will occasionally overwrite these driver files with versions that won’t crash, but also won’t connect. So be sure to keep a copy of the Iridium drivers or diver-installer, and re-install the Iridium drivers if you encounter this after a Windows update.

If you have already done our previous work-around, then no need to un-do that. If you installed ver 3.5.041 of our Airmail software and used the driver-checker then again this works fine, but you can re-open Airmail’s “Check Iridium Driver” (under Tools menu) and click “Reset Driver-Test Mode”. Also, if you disabled the UEFI “Secure Boot Mode” then you can re-enable that if you want: From the Windows button click Power, Shift-Restart, Troubleshoot, Advanced Options, UEFI Firmware settings, Restart, “Secure Boot Control”. Whew!

Once the drivers are installed, go back to the Iridium set-up page to finish the setup.

Methods and events for creating drivers.Updated: August 28, 2014

  • 2IR.CreateDevice
IR.CreateDeviceCreating a driver
ConnectConnection to a device
DisconnectDisconnection from a device
IR.GetDeviceReferring to a device
SetSetting up values in the device channel
SendSending commands to a device
InvokeActionSending commands to a UPNP device
SubscribeSubscribing to UPNP events
UnSubscribeUnsubscribing from UPNP events
HtmlDecodeSubstituting Html symbols
JSON.StringifyConverting a JSON object into a string
JSON.ParseConverting a string into a JSON object
new XMLCreating XML objects
XML.ToStringConverting an XML object into a string
SetFeedbackWriting values in the feedback channel
GetFeedbackReceiving values from the feedback channel
SetParametersChanging connection parameters
GetCommandAtNameReferring to a command by its name or identifier
GetCommandAtPos Referring to a command by its position index
GetCommandsCountReceiving the quantity of commands
GetFeedbackAtNameReceiving values from the feedback channel by their names or identifiers
GetFeedbackAtPos Receiving values from the feedback channel by their position index
GetFeedbacksCountReceiving the quantity of feedback channels
HexArrayToAsciiStringConverting an array of Hex symbols into an ASCII string
IR.SendNotificationSending a local notification on iOS devices
IR.ClearNotifyClearing the list of notifications on iOS devices
EVENT_RECEIVE_DATAReceiving data from a device in the byte format
EVENT_RECEIVE_TEXTReceiving strings from a device
EVENT_RECEIVE_EVENTReceiving events from a device (UPNP Event)
EVENT_ONLINEConnection to a device is established
EVENT_OFFLINEConnection to a device is lost
EVENT_TAG_CHANGEChanging a tag value
EVENT_CHANNEL_SETActivating of commands
EVENT_APP_ENTER_BACKGROUNDApplication goes into the background mode
EVENT_APP_ENTER_FOREGROUNDApplication goes into the foreground mode
EVENT_APP_WILL_TERMINATEApplication finishes its work
EVENT_RECIEVE_NOTIFYReceiving local notifications


// Send ModeIR.ALWAYS_CONNECTED = 0; // The driver is always connected, it can receive and send dataIR.CONNECT_WHEN_SENDING = 1; // The driver connects when sending data, it can only send data

// Script ModeIR.DIRECT_AND_SCRIPT = 0; // Commands can be sent via scripts and editor channels IR.SCRIPT_ONLY = 1; // Commands can be sent via scripts only

// Background ModeIR.BACKGROUND_OFF = 0; // The driver works only when the app is in the foreground mode IR.BACKGROUND_ON = 1; // The driver works both when the app is in the foreground and background modes


This function is used for creating drivers.

Drivers Iridium

AV & Custom Systems TCP

Example of creating DEVICE_CUSTOM_TCP




AV & Custom UDP

Example of creating DEVICE_CUSTOM_UDP




AV & Custom HTTP

Example of creating DEVICE_CUSTOM_HTTP_TCP




Custom Server TCP

Example of creating DEVICE_CUSTOM_SERVER_TCP



Name (string) – the driver name;


Custom Server UDP

Example of creating DEVICE_CUSTOM_SERVER_UDP



Name (string) – the driver name;



Example of creating DEVICE_AMX



Name (string) – the driver name;

Login (string) - the login when using the secure session;



Example of creating DEVICE_EIB_UDP



Name (string) – the driver name;


BAOS 1(770)

Example of creating DEVICE_BAOS_1


Parameters:IR.DEVICE_BAOS_1 (driver type) - the driver with the type of connection via TCP;Name (string) – the driver name;

PingTime (number) - frequency of sending the Ping command to check connection with the router (ms);


BAOS 2(771/772)

Example of creating DEVICE_BAOS_2



Name (string) – the driver name;



Example of creating DEVICE_CRESTRON



Name (string) – the driver name;



This function is used for accessing the driver.





This function is used for sending data to devices.

Syntax 1: Sending of multiple variables instructions to your device:
IR.GetDevice('Device_Name').Send([command_1, .. , сommand_n]);

  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in iRidium GUI or iRidiumScript
  • command_1 - the first variable or string - instruction that is sent to the device
  • command_n - the last variable or string - instruction that is sent to the device

Syntax 2: Sending an array of instructions to your device:

  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in iRidium GUI or iRidiumScript
  • array_command - an array of instructions to be sent to the device

If you use the HTTP driver, then add 'GET,', 'PUT,', 'POST,' in the beginning of the string:


This function establishes connection with devices.


  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in iRidium GUI or iRidiumScript


This function breaks connection with devices.


  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in iRidium GUI or iRidiumScript


This function is used for activating command channels and setting values in them. The value setting is possible for native drivers only.


  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in Project Device Panel or iRidiumScript
  • channel – the channel identifier (name or number)
  • value – the value written in the channel

Syntax used for HDL-BUS Pro and Domintell:IR.GetDevice('NetWork').Set('Device_Name:channel',value);

  • NetWork – the name of the HDL network, it can be seen in Project Device Panel
  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in Project Device Panel
  • channel - the channel identifier (name or number)
  • value - the value written in the channel


This function is used for sending instructions to devices with UPnP support


  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in iRidium GUI or iRidiumScript
  • ActionName – the command name
  • ServiceType – the service used
  • Arguments – the list of command arguments


This function is used for subscribing to events of devices with UPnP support.


  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in iRidium GUI or iRidiumScript
  • ServiceType - the service used


This function is used for unsubscribing to events of devices with UPnP support.


  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in iRidium GUI or iRidiumScript
  • ServiceType - the service used


This function is used for substituting html symbols.


  • text – the text with incorrect coding


This function converts JSON objects to strings.


  • Object - the JSON object


This function converts strings to JSON objects.


  • Text – the string


This function is used for creating XML objects

Syntax:var xml = new Xml(Text);

  • Text – the string containing the xml message


This function is used for converting XML objects to strings.

Syntax:var str = xml.ToString();

  • xml – the XML object


This function is used for writing values (a string or number) in a feedback channel. The feedback channel should be created in Project Device Panel. It is used for displaying data received from script drivers.

Syntax:IR.GetDevice('MyDevice').SetFeedback('MyFeedbackChannel', value);

  • MyDevice – the name of the device from Project Device Panel
  • MyFeedbackChannel – the name of the feedback channel from Project Device Panel
  • value – the value (string or number) you want to write in the channel


This function is used for receiving values from feedback channels. The feedback channels should be created in Project Device Panel.


  • MyDevice – the device name from Project Device Panel
  • MyFeedbackChannel – the feedback channel name from Project Device Panel


This function is used for changing parameters of connection of the driver to the controlled device. A typical example of switching LAN - WAN networks.

The SetParameters function does not physically rewrite the driver connection settings in projects, so new parameters are not saved after closing the application.

Syntax: IR.GetDevice('MyDevice').SetParameters({Host: NewHost, Port: NewPort});

  • MyDevice – the name of the device from Project Device Panel or created dynamically
  • NewHost – the IP-address of the device you need to connect to
  • NewPort – the port for connection to the device

If the driver has additional specific parameters, for example KNX BAOS 771/772 (TCP) has the UpdateTime parameter besides Host and Port, additional parameters should be indicated.

AMX has the DeviceID, Login, Password parameters besides Host and Port. Additional parameters should be indicated.

AV & Custom Systems (HTTP) has the SSL, Login, Password parameters besides Host and Port. Additional parameters should be indicated.

AV & Custom Systems (UDP)

AV & Custom Systems (TCP)

Crestron has the NetID parameter besides Host and Port. Additional parameters should be indicated.

DuoTecno does not have additional parameters. The parameters Host and Port should be indicated.

Drivers Iridium

Modbus(TCP) has the UpdateTime parameter besides Host and Port. Additional parameters should be indicated.

UPnP has the DescriptionUrl parameter besides Host and Port. Additional parameters should be indicated.

KNX IP Router (KNXnet/IP) has the ConnectTime, SendTime, PingTime, Nat parameters besides Host and Port. Additional parameters should be indicated.

The Nat parameter is a switcher: 0 – to turn off, 1 – to turn on. It turns on/off connection via the NAT server. It is required for work via UDP over the Internet. It is 0 by default.

Change of LAN - WAN connections for HDL, script, download


The function enables reference to commands of the AV & Custom System driver (HTTP, TCP, UDP, RS232) by their names or identifiers and receiving data from the Data field.


  • DriverName (variable or string) – the device name from Project Device Panel
  • CommandName (variable or string) – the command name/identifier (begins with 1)

Output data:

  • id: the command identifier
  • data: the command hex data
  • name: the command name


The function enables reference to commands of the AV & Custom System driver (HTTP, TCP, UDP, RS232) by their position index and receiving data from the Data field.


Drivers Iridium Sunglasses

  • DriverNamу (variable or string) – the device name from Project Device Panel
  • CommandPos (whole number) – the command position index (begins with 0)

Output data:

  • id: the command identifier
  • data: the command hex data
  • name: the command name


The function enables reference to the AV & Custom System driver (HTTP, TCP, UDP, RS232) and receiving the quantity of commands in projects.


  • DriverName (variable or string) – the device name from Project Device Panel


The function enables reference to feedback channels of the AV & Custom System driver (HTTP, TCP, UDP, RS232) by their names or identifiers and receiving data from the Data field.

Syntax: IR.GetDevice(DriverName).GetFeedbackAtName(FeedbackName);

  • DriverName (variable or string) - the device name from Project Device Panel
  • FeedbackName (variable or string) – the feedback channel name/identifier (begins with 1)

Output data:

  • id: the feedback channel identifier
  • data: the feedback channel hex data
  • name: the feedback channel name


The function enables reference to feedback channels of the AV & Custom System driver (HTTP, TCP, UDP, RS232) by their position index and receiving data from the Data field.

Syntax: IR.GetDevice(DriverName).GetFeedbackAtPos(FeedbackPos);

  • DriverNamу (variable or string) - the device name from Project Device Panel
  • FeedbackPos (whole nember) - the feedback channel position index (begins with 0)

Output data:

  • id: the feedback channel identifier
  • data: the feedback channel hex data
  • name: the feedback channel name


The function enables reference to the AV & Custom System driver (HTTP, TCP, UDP, RS232) and receiving the quantity of feedback channels in projects.

Syntax: IR.GetDevice(DriverName).GetFeedbacksCount();

  • DriverName ((variable or string) - the device name from Project Device Panel


The function enables conversion of an array of Hex symbols into an ASCII string.

Syntax:var l_sStr += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(in_aArray['Index'], 'N'));

  • Index – the index of the symbol in the Hex array
  • N – a number between 2 and 36 designating the numeral system

With the help of the parameter of the numeral system you can indicate in to what numeral system the number in the string belongs. When the method is executed, the number will be converted in the decimal numeral system.


The function is used for sending local notifications on iOS devices.

Syntax:IR.SendNotification(text, delay, sound_id, badge_increment_num, id);

  • text – the notification text
  • delay (default=0) – the delay of showing the notification (in seconds)
  • sound_id (default=0) – the sound identifier which will accompany the notification
  • badge_increment_num (default=0) – by what number the number on the notification icon on the app icon has to be increased
  • id (default=None) – the unique notification identifier



The function is used for clearing the list of notifications on iOS devices.



The event is activated when receiving data in the byte format form devices.

Syntax:IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_RECEIVE_DATA, IR.GetDevice(Device_Name), function(text)

  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in iRidium GUI or iRidiumScript


The event is activated when receiving data in the string format form devices.

Syntax:IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_RECEIVE_TEXT, IR.GetDevice(Device_Name), function(text)

  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in iRidium GUI or iRidiumScript


The event is activated when establishing connection with devices.

Syntax:IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_ONLINE , IR.GetDevice(Device_Name), function()

  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in iRidium GUI or iRidiumScript


The event is activated when breaking connection with devices.

Syntax:IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_OFFLINE , IR.GetDevice(Device_Name), function()

  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in iRidium GUI or iRidiumScript


The event is activated when changing tags on devices (for native drivers only).

Iridium Drivers

Syntax:IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_TAG_CHANGE, IR.GetDevice(Device_Name), function(name, value)

  • Device_Name - the name of a native driver in Project Device Panel
  • name – the name of the changed tag
  • value – the new tag value

Syntax for HDL:IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_TAG_CHANGE, IR.GetDevice(Network_Name), function(name, value)

  • Network_Name – the name of the HDL network in Project Device Panel
  • name – the variable receiving the device name + colon + the name of the changed channel
  • value – the new channel value


The event is activated when iRidium finds UPnP devices.

Syntax:IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_DEVICE_FOUND, 0, function(name)

  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in iRidium GUI or iRidiumScript * name – the name of the found device


The event is activated when some event is activated on a UPnP device.

Syntax:IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_RECEIVE_EVENT , IR.GetDevice('Device_Name'), function(type, text)

  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in iRidium GUI or iRidiumScript
  • type – the event type
  • text – the message from the device


The event is activated when the channel is activated.

Syntax:IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_CHANNEL_SET , IR.GetDevice('Device_Name'), function(Name)

  • Device_Name - the name of the device created in iRidium GUI or iRidiumScript
  • Name – the name of the activated channel


The event is activated when the iRidium application goes to the background mode.


The event is activated when the iRidium application goes to the foreground mode.


The event is activated before the iRidium application is terminated.

Drivers Iridium Wireless


Drivers Iridium Sunglasses

The event is activated when the iRidium application receives a local notification.

Syntax:IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_RECIEVE_NOTIFY, 0, function(text, id)

  • text – the notification text
  • id – the notification identifier (any text)

Drivers Iridium Phone

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